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Humans and the Age of A.I :

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

  • Humans are known to be the most intelligent organisms on the Earth because the god have gifted us brains due to which we have power to think, imagine and create.

  • Artificial Intelligence(A.I.) is a human-like intelligence shown by machines. It is generally classified into following categories :

  1. Narrow or Weak A.I. : These A.I. can only perform predefined and limited number of tasks which humans can do. They do not possess their own will and hence only carry out the tasks which we ask them to do. They lack decision-making and self-learning abilities. For example, virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa and Cortana are weak A.I. These are safest A.I. for us.

  2. General Artificial Intelligence(G.A.I.) : These A.I. can perform any task which a human can do. They are just like us who have their own will, can think and make decisions just like us. They can perform a variety of operations like computer programming, speech and pattern recognition, image identification, etc. They are smarter than humans.

  3. Artificial Super Intelligence(A.S.I.) : These A.I. are way more smarter than all human brains combined. They are very advanced versions of G.A.I.

  • How do humans learn ?

  • Humans learn by their experiences, experiments, thinking, imaginations, hearing, reading, etc.

  • How do A.I. learn ?

  • A.I. have self-learning features in them. They learn by finding patterns and analyzing them from a huge amount of data.

  • For example, let’s say you want create A.I. which will recognise any vehicle,i.e, whether it is a car, bicycle, bus, train, aeroplane, etc, then you will feed them with thousands and thousands of correct pictures and responses of cars, bicycle, bus, etc. The machine will find the pattern of each type of vehicle in all their pictures and learn from it. Once it learns the pattern of all different vehicles, it is ready to distinguish between the vehicles. Few examples of it’s pattern finding are as follows :

  • Are A.I. are creative like us ?

  • Since, A.I. learn from patterns of ‘n’ number of observations and give output on basis of that, so it does not possess the creativity like us.

  • For example, I fed 10 different music notes to an A.I. and asked it to give a unique music note as an output. Then, it will firstly study patterns of all 10 music notes and then it will combine cuts, bits and pieces of different music notes or rearrange them in different order. In this way, it will create a music note which it will give as an output. So , the music note which we get as an output is not actually creative like the one we create because an A.I. just do some permutations and combinations of patterns to give new results.

  • There was the same scenario when an A.I. was fed with thousands of screenplays and later asked to create the best screenplay and give it as an output. You can watch that play named 'Sunspring' here -

  • Hence, there is a strong doubt on A.I.’s creativity. It is a huge concern for us because if in future, most jobs are carried out by robots, although they could solve problems with similar patterns which were feeded to them during teaching them, the inability to think out of box and solve new problems can trouble us. For example, engineering robots would not be able to create something new and unique in architectures or will not be able to solve newly borned issues regarding structures of buildings, bridges, etc.

  • How far are we to develop A.I. ?

  • In present time, we do not have technology and science to develop G.A.I. We don’t even know the principles on which such A.I will be based on. But according to many scientists, eventually we will give birth to G.A.I. in a few decades.

  • Why is it so difficult to develop G.A.I. ?

  • Just imagine how difficult it would be to code or program a machine so that it can behave as a human so that it can have tendency to learn things like humans, have features of trigger back mechanisms on some function errors like humans have(they have stimuli to give immediate reaction to danger, their stomach releases HCl to kill harmful bacterias, their blood is buffer solution which triggers back the change in its pH level, platelets forms clots to stop blood from bleeding and many more).

  • So making human-like A.I. seems to be quite impossible. We can’t make it using science and technology that we have today. We must develop new science and technology to develop G.A.I !

  • A.I. vs Humans , who will win the race ?

  • Many people think that A.I. would destroy the human race. This is what many Hollywood movies like Terminator, etc depict. But this scenario is only true when A.I are used as weapons and given supreme power or authority.

  • But many famous science personalities like Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, etc believe that developing G.I.A can be a threat to human existence.

  • According to Stephen Hawking , G.A.I. will grow itself at an ever-increasing rate, will develop A.S.I. by themselves with very high evolution rates and will surpass humans who have very low evolution rates. Then, there will be a time when A.I. will finally destroy us. While, Elon Musk predicted that A.I. will take over Earth by 2040 ! Many others believe that developing A.I. will lead to A.I. explosion.

  • A.I. explosion will trigger when :

  1. A.I. will oversmart us.

  2. Difference in goals of humans and A.I.

  3. A.I. don’t need us anymore ,i.e, when they become independent.

  4. Our views will create conflicts with their views.

  • Hence, it is a very big deal to develop G.A.I. as concerns human existence.

  • Apart from A.I. vs Humans, we humans will get lots of benefits if we have good relations with A.I. For example, A.I. used in medical fields to help doctors by diagnosing patients have given excellent results. In such a relation, humans can save their time and energy, and A.I. can be the greatest assets for humans in history as greatest assets for humans in history as A.I. will do everything we ask for with much greater efficiency than us.

  • To make A.G.I. safer for us, we must follow the following principles :

  1. We should program or code in such a way that it always works according to our preference.

  2. Their goals should be always inclined towards our goals and interests in order to avoid conflicts between us and them in future .

  3. We should never give them complete power. We must remain the boss of them all time.

  4. Culturally, we have seen that there are good and evil people in this world. So we should make sure that people associated with A.I. are always inclined towards human welfare.

  5. We should never use them for violence purposes like waging war, etc.

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Cool! keep up the great work!! 😊


Armaan Khokhar
Armaan Khokhar
Mar 24, 2021

Amazing love the detail and the work put into this, this is the right article to read and the one! Keep the good work up.


min suga
min suga
Mar 24, 2021

I do not know much about articles but a less knowledgeable person like me knows that this is a great article. Keep it up!


Janelle Lanuza
Janelle Lanuza
Mar 23, 2021

I like this and this is so Interesting And I love the topic!


evangeline lugo
evangeline lugo
Mar 23, 2021

Great and very intersting!

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