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Black Hole - Birth

Black holes, “what are these things?” is a basic question, the answer to this question is that it a region of space, where the gravitational field becomes so intense that, the resulting gravitational force is so strong that even light could not escape the field, space and time-stretched, time dilated at very high rates that 1 hour near a black hole could be 10 years for one who is away from the black hole. The black hole is about the size of an atom but has the mass of a mountain.

Birth of BLACK HOLE :

  1. Stars contain a tremendous number of hydrogen atoms.

  2. In the core of a star, nuclear fusion plays a constant role which results in the formation of helium atoms by crushing two hydrogen atoms, later on, other atoms of Carbon, Neon, Oxygen, Silicon and Iron are formed in nuclear fusion.

  3. In nuclear fusion, a massive amount of energy is released when two atoms fuse to give an atom of different elements. This energy is in the form of radiation, it helps to maintain a balance with the star's gravitational forces. This balance between two forces keeps a star stable.

  4. A star is stable as long as the nuclear fusion is active. But for stars having massive masses relative to our sun, the heat and pressure at their core allow them to fuse heavier elements. Till the fusion of Oxygen atoms to form Silicon atoms, massive energy is released which helps to keep a star stable. But, after that infusion of Silicon atoms to form Iron atoms, no energy is released due to which the stability of the star gets disturbed since there is no energy in the form of radiation to push the star's gravity like earlier.

  5. Due to disturbance instability, the core collapses due to gravitational forces and the star implodes within a fraction of a second. This creates a very high-density region in the core since all the mass is fed into the core during the implosion. It's at this very moment, a star dies in a supernova explosion. This produces :

  • Either a neutron star.

  • Or if the star is quite massive, then the entire mass of core collapses into the BLACK HOLE.

Event horizon and Singularity :

  • The black part of the black hole is known as the Event horizon. Anything needs to travel at more than the speed of light to pass out the event horizon which is not possible. So not even light can escape the event horizon due to which black hole is completely dark and invisible because it reflects nothing!

  • The singularity is the hole part of black hole . We don't know what it is exactly but it may be defined as a point in space having infinite density and no volume or surface area.

There are three types of black holes :

  1. Stellar black holes which can mass up to 20 solar masses (20 times the mass of the sun).

  2. The supermassive black hole can have a mass of up to 4 million solar masses. They are commonly found at the heart of any galaxy, for example, we have a supermassive black hole named Sagittarius A* at the center of the Milky Way.

If the mass of the star is less than the Chandrasekhar limit (approximately 1.4 times the mass of the sun). Then it would become a white dwarf. If the mass is greater or equal to then there are another two possibilities:-

  1. The star would explode and then goes supernovae.

  2. The star first explodes and then implodes to form a black hole.

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